Chando Ao

ChandoAo's practice navigates between two extremes: one is his solo endeavors in paintings; the other is a complex open system that requires collaboration with the outside world, often involving robots, software, exceptionally unique materials, and everyday goods. This system is designed to engage the viewer, inviting them to touch, embrace, and even juggle with the work.

Born in China in 1990, Ao is now based in New York. He graduated from Tufts + SMFA in 2016. Recent solo exhibitions include C5 Beijing (2024) and Postmasters Gallery in New York (2021-22). Institutional showcases feature the Thoma Foundation (Santa Fe), TAG Art Museum (Qingdao), and X Museum (Beijing). His work has been reviewed by Jerry Saltz for New York Magazine and Johanna Fateman for The New Yorker.
